Did you know that Springfield Township's Master Plan contains a comprehensive Priority Pathway Plan? Did you know that this plan is already being applied and to great benefit to our community?
From Township Supervisor Laura Moreau:
"... in the short term, Springfield’s Priority Pathway Plan focuses on developing pathway connections from the Township Civic Center to the Hart Community Center. Engineering is already underway to make a critical connection from downtown Davisburg, through park properties, and connecting to existing paths at Hart Center."
Moreau added,
"Pathway connections around the Davisburg/Dixie intersection, and down these roads to connect to Independence Township also are priority."
The plan requires that new developments in these priority areas must include pathways on their site for future connections.
"This approach has already provided a pathway link from King Road off Davisburg down to Ridge Valley off Dixie. Additional new and existing commercial developments have recently added pathways along the Dixie Corridor getting us closer to the vision."
Springfield Township is also actively participating with Metro Parks in their effort to increase regional pathway connectivity.
For more information on the benefits Springfield's Priority Pathway Plan will bring to our area contact Laura Moreau at the Supervisor's Office.
The complete Springfield Township Master Plan (and the Priority Pathway Plan sub-section) may be viewed at: https://www.springfield-twp.us/our_community/master_plan.php
