August 6 Primary
A person of great integrity
As both a long-time Springfield resident and former elected official, I’m acutely aware of the qualities we deserve to expect in our elected Township Supervisor. Among them:
The vision, knowledge and talent to translate our community’s desires and goals into reality;
The unwavering persistence, and hard work, needed to deliver results;
A commitment to transparency with our residents;
The courage to stay our community’s desired course, even while knowing that arrows from narrow self-interest groups, might begin to fly; and
Perhaps most important, we deserve a person of great integrity: a Township Supervisor who adheres to the highest ethical standards.
For these reasons and more, I strongly support re-election of Laura Moreau as our Springfield Township Supervisor. With leaders like Laura, I know that Springfield will continue to prosper as a great place to live, and a place we all can be proud of: For me, for you, and for all who come after.
Nancy Strole
Co-founder of Springfield-area citizen organizations
Former elected Springfield Township Trustee
Former elected Springfield Township Clerk
Former Member/Appointee, Board of Ethics (State of Michigan)
Dedication to goals and priorities
I encourage everyone to re-elect Laura Moreau for Springfield Township Supervisor.
Laura has led the Township as Supervisor for the last four years and as Township Clerk for the twelve years prior to that. She has great leadership skills and is highly regarded at the County level and State level.
As a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals I know first-hand of Laura's leadership ability, knowledge of issues, ability to work with Township Residents and dedication to the goals and priorities of Springfield Township.
We are very fortunate to have Laura Moreau as Supervisor. Without a doubt, Laura is the most qualified person for the job.
Jim Carlton
Zoning Board of Appeals Member
Laura is a treasure
Laura is a treasure.
I first met Laura on her first campaign for Springfield Township clerk, and now sixteen years later I’m proud to call her my friend. NOT coincidentally, I’ve seen our township blossom with her leadership.
The improvements in our township are directly related to her vision to oversee and implement the future township plan. That incorporates expanding business investment on Dixie as well as Davisburg, enhancing and managing our natural resources and beauty in all aspects.
I have the utmost faith in her ability to work with our elected officials as well as those of the county, state and federal government. A very important duty of the Supervisor position.
She is who I want representing me and all that I love as a resident of Springfield township.
Carol Pinkos
Springfield Township
What leaders do
Laura has been the face of the very difficult and impactful decision of what to do with a failing 100+ year old dam.
In the end, she (along with every other elected official responsible for the decision) landed on the only logical, ecological, and fiscally responsible solution. It wasn’t even close, but some folks don’t like change no matter how much sense it makes. She takes the heat because that’s what leaders do.
Springfield is very lucky to have her.
Rich Parke
Springfield Township
Protecting what residents value
As appears in the Clarkston News
Springfield Township residents have an important decision to make on Aug. 6. As 30-year residents of the township, we strongly endorse the re-election of Laura Moreau for Supervisor.
Laura has led improvements in police and fire safety, Dixie corridor design standards, natural resource preservation, community events and more – all while protecting the beauty of the rural environment that residents highly value.
Laura courageously tackled the difficult dam removal process, which restored the roadway’s structural integrity and the natural ecosystem – all within budget.
Don’t be deceived by rhetoric. Get the facts at
Tim and Ann Mauro-Vetter
Springfield Township
The right way for all citizens
As appears in the Clarkston News
My endorsement of Laura Moreau comes from personal experience involved with project work, committee attendance and numerous conversations about a variety of issues. Every interaction involved valuable knowledge, truthfulness and respect.
My endorsement is not because everything went my way. Only because it went the right way. The right way for all the citizens of Springfield Township. The right way in keeping with a well-researched and citizen driven 20-year plan. The right way to insure property values, safety and a pleasant community to live and thrive.
Vote for Laura.
Paula Lentine
Springfield Township
Initiative and collaboration
I have worked with Laura in my role as Springfield Township Trustee. During Laura’s sixteen years serving our community as clerk and currently as supervisor, I have observed Laura to seek out new ideas and different perspectives, weigh alternatives, consider possible outcomes and develop reasonable positions related to fiscal, planning, and management issues.
Laura demonstrates a high level of initiative and collaboration to support her commitment to Springfield Township. Laura’s vision included being instrumental in bringing the appropriate groups together to create the Dixie Highway Design Guidelines. This effort resulted in a clear community vision linked with balanced budgeting and gateway visual improvements. Laura also helped guide the Planning Commission's update of the Springfield Township Master Plan which had a strong focus on collaboration and community input.
Please join me and others in voting to re-elect Laura Moreau for Springfield Township Supervisor.
Dave Hopper
Trustee - Springfield Township Board
Springfield Township Planning Commission