August 6 Primary

Re-Elect for Springfield Township Supervisor
Republican for Springfield Township Supervisor
August 6 Primary
Thank you for your support over the past 16 years. I appreciate the opportunity to serve our amazing community and I am honored to run for re-election as your Springfield Township Supervisor...
Fulfilling the Vision for Springfield Township

Advancing Public Safety
Through a strong focus on public safety and in collaboration with the Township Board, Fire Department, and Oakland County Sheriff’s Office, Laura has worked for these advancements to deliver the best possible emergency services to citizens of Springfield Township:
Transitioned to Advanced Life Support (ALS) services
Cut EMS response time in half, expanded station coverage to staff the Davisburg station 24/7, increased full time personnel from 4 to 11, and improved quality of care by providing ALS services through our own dedicated, highly trained Fire Department personnel.
Relocated Sheriff’s Office substation to the Civic Center
Established police presence close to Township offices, parks, library, and schools in a fiscally responsible manner by renovating existing space at the Civic Center in 2023.
Upgraded Fire Safety Rating to Class 3
Supported improvements in delivery of services that upgraded our Fire Safety Rating to an exceptional level of ISO Class 3 in 2018, moving to a ranking in the top 12% of all departments nationwide from near the bottom of the scale.
Expanded Fire Department station coverage, staffing, and equipment
Passed new funding in 2016 that resulted in construction of two new fire stations, upgraded equipment, improved training, and allowed for the first ever 24/7 station staffing in Springfield.
VISION — Continue to advance public safety by expanding Fire and EMS Training, enhancing Fire Prevention programs, and adding School Resource Officers.

Elevating the Dixie Corridor
From her time on the Planning Commission starting in 2007, to initiating the Dixie Strategic Planning Committee as Clerk in 2013, to leading planning efforts as Supervisor, Laura has been a driving force of positive change on the Dixie Corridor including these accomplishments:
Implemented design guidelines and development standards
Resulting in improved aesthetics, cohesive streetscape elements, expanded pathway connections, and several high-quality developments on the corridor.
Completed strategic pathway connections along Dixie and Davisburg Road
Expanded walkability by connecting multiple residential neighborhoods with restaurants and retail stores surrounding the Davisburg-Dixie intersection.
Established beautiful, landmark entrance sign and streetscape
Created an attractive gateway and defining image for the Dixie Corridor in 2017 that reflects the rural character and natural beauty of Springfield.
Upholding ordinance provisions and design standards
Working to eliminate non-conforming elements and blight while promoting desirable redevelopment and improved aesthetics.
VISION — Working with the Dixie Strategic Planning Committee, establish development and design standards for the north end of Dixie from Davisburg Road to Oak Hill.

Revitalizing Downtown Davisburg
Laura has demonstrated a long-standing commitment to support a thriving downtown by working with the Township Board, Parks & Recreation, Oakland County Parks & Rec, Road Commission, and Health Department to resolve infrastructure challenges, improve road safety, expand walkability, and enhance recreation to draw visitors to the district, including these efforts:
Completing river restoration and park redevelopment project, creating a downtown destination
Result will be a new river walk experience and expanded recreation amenities including new pathways, playground equipment, and pickleball courts.
Establishing district sewer system to resolve long-standing septic challenges
Supporting the future viability of downtown by facilitating a shared septic system to serve buildings challenged by aging systems with no space on their lots for fields.
Enhanced the aesthetics and safety of Eaton-Broadway corner
Repaved Eaton Rd, added curb and pathway connections, and renovated the old fire station property including façade improvements, new landscape, and street trees.
Improved district parking areas and facilitated maintenance
Supported downtown by repaving on-street parking and coordinating snow removal.
Launched new downtown community events
Promote downtown through special events including Oktoberfest, Christmas tree lighting ceremony, and Spring into Summer Block Party.
VISION — Create a walkable district from the Civic Center to downtown and connecting to Hart Community Center with boardwalk and pathways. Establish the new river walk as a popular destination bringing visitors to experience natural areas, enjoy recreation amenities, and frequent our downtown shops.

Enhancing Municipal Services & Facilities
In her nearly 16 years working with the Township Board, Laura has been committed to maintaining a local government that is cost-effective, responsive, transparent, and user-friendly, as evidenced by these recent improvements:
Established Oakland County Sheriff Substation at the Civic Center
Renovated existing office space, improving accessibility to police services in a fiscally responsible manner.
Developed new, national award-winning Township Master Plan
Completed through Planning Commission and Township Board collaboration and extensive community involvement.
Launched Supervisor's Updates web page
Provided new avenue for communicating community news and events.
Reestablished in-house Building Department
Changed outsourced operation to a township staffed department in 2022 resulting in vastly improved service and convenience to residents.
Renovated former fire station for needed maintenance building
Improved aesthetics of downtown Davisburg while saving over $1.5 million instead of constructing the proposed new maintenance facility
Repaved aging Civic Center parking lots
Resolved storm drainage issues and added needed parking spaces.
VISION — Continue to enhance public services by expanding website resources and converting our zoning ordinance to the “Clear Zoning” user-friendly platform. Further protect Township facilities and vehicles by installing a standby generator and carports at the Civic Center.

Stewarding Our Natural Assets
Understanding the value of our rare and beautiful natural resources, Laura has worked to conserve these assets and improve their accessibility to residents including through these efforts:
Helping lead the effort to restore a high-quality stream corridor and unique wetland habitat
With project partners, restoring a formerly impounded area of the Shiawassee River that was degraded, provided little recreation value, and due to infestations of invasive aquatic plants, threatened the health of the rare wetland habitat downstream.
Facilitated public access to the North Shiawassee Basin Preserve
Led effort to gain approval from CN Railroad to install a public trail crossing linking the north and south Shiawassee Basin Preserve properties, improving public access and enjoyment of our spectacular parks.
Coordinated acquisitions of high-quality natural areas
Helped facilitate the purchases of River Run Preserve and Hartman Meadows, preserving 127 acres of exceptional property along the Shiawassee River corridor.
Initiated creation of dedicated, full-time Natural Resources Manager position
Proposed new position to plan and implement stewardship programs to protect and enhance the township's precious natural resources.
VISION — Continue to integrate conservation planning into all township functions to preserve open space and conserve land, water, and wildlife habitat.

Building Community
Immediately upon moving to Springfield 20 years ago, Laura began serving the community by volunteering with her neighborhood HOA, her children’s schools, the family’s church, and a local land conservancy. As a Township official, she continues to show her passion for outreach and building community through these special features and events:
Coordinated the Margaret Tippen Memorial Walk for Pedestrian Safety
The walk held on September 30, 2023, was a tremendous success and is featured in SEMCOG’s regional magazine, Putting Safety First.
Launched new community events in downtown Davisburg
Working with downtown businesses, Township officials and staff, Parks & Recreation, and Library, initiated special events including Davisburg Oktoberfest, Carols, Cookies & Cocoa Christmas Tree Lighting Event, and Spring into Summer Block Party!
Organized a Township team to support charity kickball tournament
Placed second in Orion Township’s Kicking For A Cause in May 2023 raising $2,500 for Neighbor for Neighbor
Helped initiate and expand events celebrating Springfield’s founders and history
Instrumental in the launch of the Davisburg Heritage Festival in 2009, facilitated historical presentations and recordings from 2012 to 2019, contributed to the Davisburg History Bus Tour in 2016, and created the Davisburg Cemetery History Hunt in 2020.
VISION — Expand community special events and create interpretive signage to highlight historical and natural features.